How the pulling down is done
Continuing from last post...
At the same time, the government bus service employees will be able to retain their relative higher stature. There is a powerful framework on which they are fixed to, in the background, which holds them up in the relative heights.
Actually very profound items are working behind the scenes to create this relative difference in the behaviours. The limited space here is not enough to take up a large-scale discussion on those items.
However, one or two items can be mentioned.
First item is this: In all kinds of verbal fights, at least one side would drag the communication codes to the very lower word-code levels quite fast. That is, they would insert words like ‘Nee’ / Injhi (lowest YOU), Eda/ Edi, enthada / enthadi (quite degrading words with no English equivalents), Avan / Oan (lowest He/Him), Aval / Oal (lowest She / Her), and such other words.
This kind of lowering of verbal codes is good for the side which is socially, or profession-wise, lower. For, this simple positioning of words is enough to pull down a relatively higher person or groups of persons to their lower level.
The above-mentioned items are the working of a very complicated verbal machinery. It might not be easy to explain it in a very few words. However, ponder on this. If a verbal fight starts between private bus staff and a group of unruly youths, the youths would very fast address the bus staff with a ‘eda’, ‘Nee’(Injhi) etc. Even if the bus staff are of higher age.
(Actually, in most verbal arguments which reach a heated tone, this is what usually happens. This is a location which is actually very highly provocative. Even homicidal mania can get ignited.)
It may be remembered that in the feudal languages of this subcontinent, age is a very powerful defining factor. Disregarding any of the factors, which insist on ‘respect’, can provoke heavily.
Item number two is this:
If persons, who are doing work which are defined as lower grade in the verbal codes, behave in a very soft, dignified, earnest and intelligent manner, they would not get ‘respect’, consideration, ‘respectful’ words, or any other kind of reverence. However, if persons, who are on the higher strata of verbal codes, behave in a very soft, dignified and intelligent manner, people would speak only good about them.
Item three:
The group known as school students is an un-touchable dirt for the government bus employees. For, as per the language codes, they are identified by them as a very dangerous entity. So with a malicious cunning, ongoing conspiracy, this group has been placed on the head of the private bus employees. The government employees are part of this conspiracy.
If the reader has time to ponder on all the above-mentioned items together, many other connected things can be grasped easily. Beyond that, many of the above-mentioned things might even be items which are already known to many of the readers.
Many more things can be mentioned about this. However, the discussion of this specific item is being stopped here. Continuing from last post...
At the same time, the government bus service employees will be able to retain their relative higher stature. There is a powerful framework on which they are fixed to, in the background, which holds them up in the relative heights.
Actually very profound items are working behind the scenes to create this relative difference in the behaviours. The limited space here is not enough to take up a large-scale discussion on those items.
However, one or two items can be mentioned.
First item is this: In all kinds of verbal fights, at least one side would drag the communication codes to the very lower word-code levels quite fast. That is, they would insert words like ‘Nee’ / Injhi (lowest YOU), Eda/ Edi, enthada / enthadi (quite degrading words with no English equivalents), Avan / Oan (lowest He/Him), Aval / Oal (lowest She / Her), and such other words.
This kind of lowering of verbal codes is good for the side which is socially, or profession-wise, lower. For, this simple positioning of words is enough to pull down a relatively higher person or groups of persons to their lower level.
The above-mentioned items are the working of a very complicated verbal machinery. It might not be easy to explain it in a very few words. However, ponder on this. If a verbal fight starts between private bus staff and a group of unruly youths, the youths would very fast address the bus staff with a ‘eda’, ‘Nee’(Injhi) etc. Even if the bus staff are of higher age.
(Actually, in most verbal arguments which reach a heated tone, this is what usually happens. This is a location which is actually very highly provocative. Even homicidal mania can get ignited.)
It may be remembered that in the feudal languages of this subcontinent, age is a very powerful defining factor. Disregarding any of the factors, which insist on ‘respect’, can provoke heavily.
Item number two is this:
If persons, who are doing work which are defined as lower grade in the verbal codes, behave in a very soft, dignified, earnest and intelligent manner, they would not get ‘respect’, consideration, ‘respectful’ words, or any other kind of reverence. However, if persons, who are on the higher strata of verbal codes, behave in a very soft, dignified and intelligent manner, people would speak only good about them.
Item three:
The group known as school students is an un-touchable dirt for the government bus employees. For, as per the language codes, they are identified by them as a very dangerous entity. So with a malicious cunning, ongoing conspiracy, this group has been placed on the head of the private bus employees. The government employees are part of this conspiracy.
If the reader has time to ponder on all the above-mentioned items together, many other connected things can be grasped easily. Beyond that, many of the above-mentioned things might even be items which are already known to many of the readers.
Many more things can be mentioned about this. However, the discussion of this specific item is being stopped here.